Renaissance Technologies: Investments against COVID-19 Foreign Investors

Entity: Renaissance Technologies
Category: Foreign Investors
Description: Renaissance Technologies Corp. is a privately owned hedge fund sponsor. The firm primarily provides its services to pooled investment vehicles. It also provides its services to banking or thrift institutions and corporations. The firm invests in the public equity and alternative investment markets of the United States. It employs equity long/short strategies for its hedging investments.
+ Investing in:
. GlaxoSmithKline
Category: Foreign Investors
Description: Renaissance Technologies Corp. is a privately owned hedge fund sponsor. The firm primarily provides its services to pooled investment vehicles. It also provides its services to banking or thrift institutions and corporations. The firm invests in the public equity and alternative investment markets of the United States. It employs equity long/short strategies for its hedging investments.
+ Investing in:
. GlaxoSmithKline
COVID UK Funding&Support
Investments against COVID
United States
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