The Positive Ageing Company Non-Profits

WThe ageing population is becoming a major challenge for employers globally. • Within 4 years - 1 in 3 workers will be aged 50+ • 1 in 9 employees are already working carers with that number forecast to increase significantly • 1 in 7 of those employees will leave employment to undertake full-time care of family members • The over-65’s, who require family care, will grow by 60% - 10 to 16m over the next 10 years • It’s not just about older workers – a significant proportion of the sandwich generation (40-55 year olds) increasingly have both child & elder care responsibilities • Recognising and helping employees to proactively deal with the root cause can save organisations considerable costs and improve ROI • The impact to organisations of employees dealing with elder care – was described by one bank HRD as ‘a sleeping tiger, that we really do need to address, sooner rather than later’. Most organisations have no way of identifying and engaging with staff who have family care issues
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