VUBS LLC Company
Marketing is the ability to effectively communicate your thoughts or knowledge or information to the audience whom the TKI pertains to & is directed at. So well founded relationships enable you to operate in a forum or stage of play where you may dissertation sing or communicate to a class or subgroups or a series of set of kinds of people. Thus to reach your audience or audiences you must be aware of there personal likes & dislikes & or demographics & or social rank status. Therefore it is your audiences social community identity that you must understand to best relay your TKI, hence it is vital fore the ability to propel your TKI to extended audiences, "originates", from your initial communication & impression to those primary audience relationships that of which enables your TKI to foster in your prime realationships minds of which may cause those primaries to circulate & distribute your TKI, of which you will in turn, "gain", & acquire more audiences those of which you must learn about fore for you to enable your audiences to understand you you must maintain & continue to write motion produce sing speak & communicate to & with to enable a movement & or a comprehensive understanding & awareness to your Promotional arranged composed TKI communications. All the Best, Alan Dixon We must arrange a professional business meeting & set an international agenda & program strategy. My company VUBS LLC is an international affairs company & positioned to initiate marketing motions worldwide. Thus first we must compile the education materials secure & acquire a board council directors team & Market world wide the global international ethical & political & health & International Business accounting protocols & laws as PREmatory education programs including establishing affiliate satellite group work training sites. Sent from my iPhone, A~P.D~C FIGHTING human trafficking , Koordinating & Innovating Intl judicial, Intl banking. Intl health & international human rights Social Community Development Progress. This will function as a comprehensive distribution & marketing of the education principles Of health & Optimal Wellness Living . EP (OWL) Do you interest any of those.. cause health law & health education & superior balanced nation state budgets that allocate finances to health programs & welfare & nutritional agriculture development & logistics of health supplies like medicine food or humanitarian aid are Frontier Power Principles within the scope of the health & optimal wellness living agenda. Finniatas Living Health & Wellness is to ACT with recognition of the leadership power principles of moral emotional dignified choices, with an identity of passionate reasons & purposes to the desire & attestation & decision of a consequential choice or act , thus education -&-participation with strategy is the key to accessing experiential insight of achievement with the prime foundational established core of Virtous Honor & the Merit of Intellectual Respect in (united plurality) together functioning & registering as the honest true natural authentic gateway to the Ranking Statuses of Bearing Markable Responsibility & Duty among society. Sent from my iPhone, A~P.D~C
Cognitive Training
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