Ask An Addict Company
Ask An Addict is a social site that allows it's members to connect to offer advice, support and friendship. A site where addicts can go and talk to other recovering addicts to get the support they need to stay sober. A site where non-addicts can go and hopefully get some understanding of why addicts do the things they do. All members are to only use this site for it's intended purpose. There will be no spamming, vulgar language or anything deemed to be offensive. If this occurs, please use the "report abuse" button under every post. Any number of actions may be taken depending on the abuse reported. Those actions include but are not limited to, a warning by the moderator, removal of all the users posts and or cancellation of the person's account. We all want the same thing and that is to answer questions and offer our support to members who are addicts or who have been affected by addicts. We want this to be a place where everyone can feel welcome. We are not Doctors, we are not Alcohol Anonymous, we are not a treatment center. We are just average people that want to help others fight the battle that we have all been through. We can only give advice on what has helped us or others in the past. We are here to listen, offer our support and guidance to let you know your not alone. We know how hard it is to deal with someone you love that's an addict. The way they act, the way they treat you, and how it doesn't seem like the same person you used to know. We also know that sometimes it’s hard to talk to your friends or family members because they may not understand what your going through or may judge you. We understand because we have been there and know how difficult it is. How mentally and physically draining it can be. When your brain is telling you to give up on someone but your heart is screaming to help the person that you used to know before the addiction. We know you don't always want to sit face to face with people you don't know. Sometimes you want to remain anonymous. Sometimes you just want to be sure your doing the right thing. Ask An Addict allows you to do all of these on your own time and when you feel you need it. This site is not intended to judge but to offer help, support, advice and hope to the addicts and people affected by addicts. We want addicts to feel at home here too. We want and need the recovering addicts to help others get through where they used to be. Addicts can offer some of the best advice based on their experiences and can help other addicts in recovery. The recovering addicts can give us vital information so it's important we listen and learn.
Communities, Health Care, Medical, Social Media
Decatur, Alabama, United States
Employees Number:
Estimated Revenue:
$1M to $10M
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