Special2Us company

Special2Us is a private, personalised photo-&-aural family-memory service for "Parents with Parents" - the middle-aged and pensioner generations to see-them-through the transition to a digital photographic age so children & friends can enjoy hearing reminiscences & viewing what were previously difficult to access: albums, slides, movies ... but as important: documents - ration books, school reports, marriage certificates. S2U is creating an eco-system where families (often with aging friends/relatives) or senior individuals can arrange for photographs & films/videos to be transferred from all various media into “digital assets”, stored safely (in the cloud) and can be viewed and annotated via the internet, or, reproduced for presents etc, at high quality, in various ways (albums, framed prints, cards, maps, postal stamps etc). UPDATES: New enquires received from Midlands based undertakers to create family support service in words & pictures Combining scanned photos & personal documents along with voices of family members, legacy making results in digital programme suitable for tomorrow's great grandchildren & future family to understand their forbears Stand #301 at "Who Do You Think You Are - live" exhibition Birmingham NEC (7th - 9th April) Subscription Costs "Free Trial" offers from 2015 end - new subscribers introduced to paid-for, free-of-advertising service (£1 ... +/- $1.50 per week) Features "All in One Place" photo aggregation service to combine yesteryears' traditional photos' scans & today's social media snaps for single point of search & sort UX January 2016 - New look-&-feel launched: retiring "skeuomorphic" style of camera interface for more "flat" design suitable for current & future users. Features November 2015 - What Happened Then / On this Day feature relaunched with improved access to documents & images of historical events relating to time & location of subscribers' own images Platform September 2015 - trails for interface & backend redesign for fully responsive webservice in response to site analytics demonstrating user change from desktop to laptop to tablet use over intervening 18 months Partners & Consultant Experts Special2Us staff additions: conservation & renovations specialist (MA Student: Camberwell School of Art) curation & aural / societal historian (BA Student: Central St Martins) Exhibitions & Roadshows Special2Us is exhibiting at "Who Do You Think You Are - live" at Birmingham NEC 16-19th April (stand 322) as well as undertaking a mini-roadshow visiting public libraries in Dorset & the South Coast 13th-15th April Alzheimer's & Dementia Special2Us is working with a number of consultant psychologists, a business school & dementia care experts to further understand the needs to early stage sufferes and carers' needs in order to develop a bespoke service acting as a cognitive stimulation tool, a distraction device and a "pick-me-up" programme to relieve individuals on "down-days" Client Services: Customer Services Manager (previously Audible Books/Amazon) - service design & system process consultancy
Administrative Services, Content and Publishing, Education, Internet Services, Media and Entertainment, Music and Audio
London, England, United Kingdom
Founded Date:
Employees Number:
Investors Number:
Total Funding:
Estimated Revenue:
$1M to $10M
Last Funding Type:
Register and Claim Ownership