Competence Center for Personalized Medicine Research Labs

The Competence Center Personalized Medicine UZH/ETH (CC-PM) - a plattform of biotechnet - coordinates and actively supports interdisciplinary research of the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and the University Hospitals in Zurich in the field of genome-based healthcare. Cooperation between basic and clinical research will be intensified through the Competence Center. Based on the genetic disposition of a person, methods for genome-guided prevention, diagnosis and therapy will be developed and implemented. The Center will build and provide the framework for generating and integrating multidimensional genomic and (epi)genetic datasets. As such, it will operate at the interface of life science, medicine and technology. The CC-PM’s 36 professional members and their research groups bring expertise from many different departments of ETH and different medical faculties of the University Zurich and the University Hospitals of Zurich. The focus of CC-PM is research in genome-based personalized medicine. Associated with CC-PM are technology platforms to support these research activities.
R&D Centres
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