Velux Stifling Non-Profit

The Velux Stiftung supports research that aims to maintain or increase the functional ability of older people. This includes basic as well as applied research in the fields of biology, medicine, psychology and neurosciences.
Life expectancy has increased dramatically in the industrialized countries. Unfortunately, age also represents one of the greatest risk factors for many diseases. The idea of the Velux Stiftung that people should therefore strive to keep the time period in which they are limited by disease or ailments short. Aging means change in physiological as well as social and behavioural terms. The goal is therefore to enable people to be and do what they value, in a combination of each individual’s capacity and the environment. This includes the physical environment such as a person’s home as well as the societal environment.
Life expectancy has increased dramatically in the industrialized countries. Unfortunately, age also represents one of the greatest risk factors for many diseases. The idea of the Velux Stiftung that people should therefore strive to keep the time period in which they are limited by disease or ailments short. Aging means change in physiological as well as social and behavioural terms. The goal is therefore to enable people to be and do what they value, in a combination of each individual’s capacity and the environment. This includes the physical environment such as a person’s home as well as the societal environment.
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