Medicel AG Company

Medicel AG is a leader in the design and manufacture of single-use injector devices for Intra Ocular Lenses. Making eye surgery safer, simpler and more effective: At Medicel, this principle is our core ethic from conceptual design to product development then into manufacturing and assembly.
Keeping the incision as small as possible during surgery has always been our goal. In the area of lens injection systems, Medicel has set new benchmarks. Over 4 million IOLs are implanted every year with Medicel injections systems, attesting to our leading position in the world market. Swiss quality stands for precision, reliability and longevity. Whilst complex and expensive multiple-use surgical instruments distinguished Swiss medical products in the past, today the market demands high-quality, economical, single-use instruments. Medicel offers a complete range of sterile packed intra-operative single-use instruments for cataract surgery which are in every way comparable to the exacting high standards of quality when compared to expensive multiple-use instruments. We do however also have multiple-use instruments as well as reusable instruments in our range. All products are compatible with most surgical equipment and facilitate traditional surgical techniques as well as the bimanual and coaxial techniques used in micro-incision surgery. For the future, Medicel continues to transform market needs by developing innovative products that come with the most modern technology and will help surgeons to perform surgeries safer and more efficient.