Jaan Tallinn: Investments against COVID-19 Foreign Investors

Entity: Jaan Tallinn
Category: Foreign Investors
Description: Jaan Tallinn is Partner at Ambient Sound Investments. Jaan works on the overall strategy for ASI, on top of researching and reviewing potential portfolio companies. He is considered to be one of the foremost experts on P2P technologies, and together with Ahti and Priit worked out the core elements for Kazaa and Skype. He continues to be involved with Skype, where he's one of the lead system architects. Jaan has been known to sketch potential solutions for teleportation on napkins. Voracious reading and home life make up the rest of his pastimes. Jaan holds a degree in theoretical physics from the University of Tartu. Currently he serves as CTO of MetaMed Research LLC, and also a co-founder of the Cambridge Project of Existential Risk.
+ Investing in:
. Faculty AI
Category: Foreign Investors
Description: Jaan Tallinn is Partner at Ambient Sound Investments. Jaan works on the overall strategy for ASI, on top of researching and reviewing potential portfolio companies. He is considered to be one of the foremost experts on P2P technologies, and together with Ahti and Priit worked out the core elements for Kazaa and Skype. He continues to be involved with Skype, where he's one of the lead system architects. Jaan has been known to sketch potential solutions for teleportation on napkins. Voracious reading and home life make up the rest of his pastimes. Jaan holds a degree in theoretical physics from the University of Tartu. Currently he serves as CTO of MetaMed Research LLC, and also a co-founder of the Cambridge Project of Existential Risk.
+ Investing in:
. Faculty AI
COVID UK Funding&Support
COVID UK Non-governmental Bodies
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